Ecomen Laboratories: Leading The Way For Companies By Strategizing Various Approaches On Environmental Compliance

From the humblest of beginnings born out of a garage in the late 1980s, today, Ecomen Laboratories deals with a plethora of Environmental compliance issues ranging from Mining Plan and Environmental Clearance to Forestry Clearance. Accredited by Quality Council of India National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) - the firm is an approved consultant for carrying out EIA studies and obtaining environmental clearance for various industrial sectors such as Mining, Thermal Plant, Cement, Building & Construction, Coal Washeries, Mineral Beneficiation and Asbestos Milling.
Ecomen Laboratories has its own laboratory accredited by NABL as well. The cutting-edge laboratory is also recognized and accredited by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF & CC) and various State Pollution Control Boards. In addition, the Consultancy Firm carries out Environmental Monitoring activities for air, water, soil, noise etc., for various private and public organizations.
Handholding Businesses With A Vast Range Of Environmental Compliance Services
The inherent expertise and vast pool of knowledge accumulated over the years has transformed Ecomen Laboratories into a full-fledged organization in the discipline of Environment Compliance Testing offering a wide gambit of services listed below:
• Preparation of EIA & EMP reports & Environmental Clearance from MoEF & CC, SEIAA, NoC / Consent from Pollution Control Board
• Preparation of Mining Plans
• Assessment/valuation of Coal/Minerals Block
• Environmental Monitoring, Baseline Data generation of Environmental parameters and analysis including biodiversity study.
• Soil Monitoring and Suggestions for improvement, Pesticides Residue Analysis.
• Forest proposal for dereservation & clearance
• Plan for Reclamation, Afforestation & Land Restoration.
• Groundwater survey, Water balance assessment & Geo-hydrological study
• Water management, recovery, recycling and reuse of wastewater, Rain Water Harvesting, commissioning of Piezometers.
• Thematic mapping using Remote Sensing, GIS & GPS. Preparing Land use/Land cover maps. Digital Image processing.
• Solid Waste management; Municipal solid waste-based energy projects.
• Designing & Installation of Pollution Control System; Designing, Supply & Installation of ETP, up gradation & operation.
• Environmental Audit, Risk Assessment, Disaster Management plan & Compliance monitoring & report.
• Rural Socio-Economic Survey, Environmental Sanitation & Water Supply & Dev. Scheme(s)
• Training programmes & education leading to skill development in the discipline of Environment.
Ecomen Laboratories delivers the above-mentioned services across Pan-India basis to companies located in isolated and remote locations suffering from severe ground difficulties. The company distinguishes itself with outstanding experience backed by a team of highly talented professionals, environment experts & specialists who work in sync with clients to ensure that the defined assessment, survey or reporting is executed with a high degree of efficiency. At present, the Consultancy Firm has 14 Environment Impact Assessment sectors, Mineral Mining, Thermal Power stations, Coal washeries, Mineral Beneficiation, Cement plants, Asbestos milling & asbestos based products, Synthetic organic chemical, distilleries, sugar industry, isolated storage & handling Hazardous chemicals, highways ports, and Harbor building & constructions. Additionally, the company also boasts 12 Functional Area Experts (FAE) in functional areas pertaining to Land Use, Air pollution control, Air quality modeling, Water pollution control, Ecology and biodiversity, Noise/ vibration, Socio economics, Hydrology and ground Water, Geology, Soil conservation, Risks and hazards, Solid and hazardous waste.

Dr. K.L. Satapathy, Managing Director
Innovation is the only constant for survival in today's time, and in this regard the team at Ecomen is experimenting with a few initiatives on monitoring equipment. On the technology front, the Consultancy Firm is exploring the zero touch environment monitoring concept from the field for better accuracy and speed.
Awards & Accolades
Ecomen has a proven successful track record of working with multiple industries in executing multi-faceted projects funded by organizations such as the World Bank and the MoEFCC, amongst others. As such, the complete satisfaction of its clients has been reflected in the many awards and milestones received by Ecomen Laboratories over the years. Some of the prestigious accolades include:
• `Certificate of Excellence' for Implementation of World Bank funded Rural Drinking Water & Environment & Sanitation project in 19 villages in U.P.
• Udyog Ratan Award and Excellence Award for the Ecomen Laboratories Pvt. Ltd from Institute of Economic Studies, New Delhi.
• The Laboratory participates in AQCs tests conducted by CPCB and scores 100 percent many times including the last two tests.
• CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) selected Ecumen's Lab to analyse the samples of identified industries jointly along with them pursuant to Hon'ble NGT (National Green Tribunal).
Ecomen has executed projects with various organizations like MoEFCC, CPCB, NMDC, Tata Steel, Jindal, Heidelberg Cement, NTPC, NHPC, Lafarge, Vedanta, IOCL, Reliance, ACC, Aditya Birla, EIL, KIOCL, Shell Petroleum, JICA, UltraTech, Prism, Lanco Power, Coal India, HPCL, OMC, MPPGCL, UPPCL, Indian Railways, DSCL, HAL, Nerolac and many others.
Dr. K.L. Satapathy Managing Director
Has PhD in Environment along with AMIE (Electronics) with 28 years of work experience. Has associated with Ecomen for more than 15 years now, is EIA Coordinator in 5 sectors:
1.Mining of Minerals (Opencast only)
2.Thermal Power Plants
3. Cement Plants
4. Asbestos milling & asbestos based products
5.Building Construction projects
Functional Area Expert in:
1. Meteorology, Air Quality Modeling & Prediction (AQ)
2. Noise & Vibration (NV)]
Binay Prakash Pandey, CEO
A Mining and Mineral Engineer from KREC(NITK) Surathkal Karnataka, has 28 years of work experience in both public and private sector enterprises. Currently pursuing PhD program at the Indian Institute of Technology -ISM, Dhanbad. Has demonstrated ability to organize, motivate and lead successful teams of mining professionals, geologists and environmental engineers, and to liaison with state and central governmental officials.
Has skills around Mine Survey, Mineral Exploration, Reserve Estimation, Costing, Mine Operations, Logistics Planning, CSR Planning, Mine Digitization, Environment Clearance and Monitoring.
Has been driving and promoting socio-economically and environmentally sustainable mining practices.
• Training programmes & education leading to skill development in the discipline of Environment.
Ecomen Laboratories delivers the above-mentioned services across Pan-India basis to companies located in isolated and remote locations suffering from severe ground difficulties. The company distinguishes itself with outstanding experience backed by a team of highly talented professionals, environment experts & specialists who work in sync with clients to ensure that the defined assessment, survey or reporting is executed with a high degree of efficiency. At present, the Consultancy Firm has 14 Environment Impact Assessment sectors, Mineral Mining, Thermal Power stations, Coal washeries, Mineral Beneficiation, Cement plants, Asbestos milling & asbestos based products, Synthetic organic chemical, distilleries, sugar industry, isolated storage & handling Hazardous chemicals, highways ports, and Harbor building & constructions. Additionally, the company also boasts 12 Functional Area Experts (FAE) in functional areas pertaining to Land Use, Air pollution control, Air quality modeling, Water pollution control, Ecology and biodiversity, Noise/ vibration, Socio economics, Hydrology and ground Water, Geology, Soil conservation, Risks and hazards, Solid and hazardous waste.

Dr. K.L. Satapathy, Managing Director
Innovation is the only constant for survival in today's time, and in this regard the team at Ecomen is experimenting with a few initiatives on monitoring equipment. On the technology front, the Consultancy Firm is exploring the zero touch environment monitoring concept from the field for better accuracy and speed.
Awards & Accolades
Ecomen has a proven successful track record of working with multiple industries in executing multi-faceted projects funded by organizations such as the World Bank and the MoEFCC, amongst others. As such, the complete satisfaction of its clients has been reflected in the many awards and milestones received by Ecomen Laboratories over the years. Some of the prestigious accolades include:
• `Certificate of Excellence' for Implementation of World Bank funded Rural Drinking Water & Environment & Sanitation project in 19 villages in U.P.
• Udyog Ratan Award and Excellence Award for the Ecomen Laboratories Pvt. Ltd from Institute of Economic Studies, New Delhi.
• The Laboratory participates in AQCs tests conducted by CPCB and scores 100 percent many times including the last two tests.
• CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) selected Ecumen's Lab to analyse the samples of identified industries jointly along with them pursuant to Hon'ble NGT (National Green Tribunal).
Ecomen has executed projects with various organizations like MoEFCC, CPCB, NMDC, Tata Steel, Jindal, Heidelberg Cement, NTPC, NHPC, Lafarge, Vedanta, IOCL, Reliance, ACC, Aditya Birla, EIL, KIOCL, Shell Petroleum, JICA, UltraTech, Prism, Lanco Power, Coal India, HPCL, OMC, MPPGCL, UPPCL, Indian Railways, DSCL, HAL, Nerolac and many others.
Dr. K.L. Satapathy Managing Director
Has PhD in Environment along with AMIE (Electronics) with 28 years of work experience. Has associated with Ecomen for more than 15 years now, is EIA Coordinator in 5 sectors:
1.Mining of Minerals (Opencast only)
2.Thermal Power Plants
3. Cement Plants
4. Asbestos milling & asbestos based products
5.Building Construction projects
Functional Area Expert in:
1. Meteorology, Air Quality Modeling & Prediction (AQ)
2. Noise & Vibration (NV)]
Binay Prakash Pandey, CEO
A Mining and Mineral Engineer from KREC(NITK) Surathkal Karnataka, has 28 years of work experience in both public and private sector enterprises. Currently pursuing PhD program at the Indian Institute of Technology -ISM, Dhanbad. Has demonstrated ability to organize, motivate and lead successful teams of mining professionals, geologists and environmental engineers, and to liaison with state and central governmental officials.
Has skills around Mine Survey, Mineral Exploration, Reserve Estimation, Costing, Mine Operations, Logistics Planning, CSR Planning, Mine Digitization, Environment Clearance and Monitoring.
Has been driving and promoting socio-economically and environmentally sustainable mining practices.